Comodo System Utilities Pro
- All-in-one registry, system and privacy cleaning software
- Includes advanced features such as registry protection, safe delete, instant scan and real time cleaning
- Get the world's best system maintenance tool from as little as $0.07 per day
$29.99 per year
Discounts available for 2 and 3 year licenses
Even More Features
Take a look at what else you get with this extraordinary software.

Versatile scheduling system
Flexible scheduler allows you to specify individual Registry, Privacy and Disk cleaning scans to run at times that suit you.

Easy to use interface
No need for a user manual. Our interface is so simple that everyone can take advantage of this powerful software within minutes.

File shredder
Our permanent file eraser is compliant with Department of Defense standards to make sure data you delete cannot be recovered by anyone.

Duplicate remover
Searches your computer and finds all duplicate files, even if they are saved under different filenames, freeing up disk space and removing needless clutter.

By using our SafeDelete™ patented technology, you can immediately restore files that were removed by the previous cleaning process.

Registry protection
During a cleaning process, some valid registry entries might be removed by mistake. Our patented registry protection technology lets you restore them with ease.

Remove locked files
Ever see the message 'Windows cannot delete/move this file because it is being used by another process'? 'Force Delete' allows you to have the file automatically removed after the next restart.

Registry defrag
Over time, the file structure of the registry becomes disorganized and inefficient. The Registry Defrag tool further improves performance by compacting the registry back to optimum condition.

Autorun manager
Makes it easy for you to choose which programs and services are loaded at Windows startup - helping further improve computer performance by eliminating unnecessary items.

Keep Your PC In Top Shape
Comodo System Utilities combination of Registry cleaner, Privacy cleaner and Disk Cleaner squeezes the maximum performance out of your computer - and keeps it that way.